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Chapter 3 Reflection

Chapter 3 Reflection

Q Please watch the video that has been posted below. It is about a man named Clive Wearing who suffered severe damage to the hippocampus in his brain. After watching the video discuss (in one to two paragraphs) your thoughts of how such an injury would impact his life and those around him. The focus of your paper should be on your ideas/thoughts rather than simply repeating what was noted in the video. To learn more about the case of Clive Wearing click on this link: (Links to an external site.) Note: There is a link in the chapter to a video about Clive Wearing. The Closed Captioning in this video is not accurate. ScientificAmericanPsychology. (2014, June 30). clive [Video]. YouTube. Rubric Reflection Rubric Chapter 3 Reflection Rubric Chapter 3 Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCriterion 1 Student Response 10 pts Full Marks Student accurately and adequately explains how Clive's brain injury would impact his life and those around him. 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCO3 basic psychological terms/concepts and their appropriate use threshold: 3.0 pts 5 pts Exceeds Expectations 3 pts Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations -- This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCO5 how psychology applies to daily living threshold: 3.0 pts 5 pts Exceeds Expectations 3 pts Meets Expectations 0 pts Does Not Meet Expectations -- Total Points: 10 PreviousNext

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It is difficult to live with someone who has a very fundamental thing taken from them. The injury that Clive Weaning suffered resulted in him being left with short term memory loss. Not only does this ailment prevent him from making new memories but it is also hurtful for those who surround him and watch him fail to make memories. Those who live with him will be impacted psychologically as well, as they would have to tackle the innumerable questions that Mr Weaning poses at them. Probably the biggest test that will be that of patience.